Thursday, November 13, 2014


The symbols i find most prominent in Promethea are  on almost every page there is a sun motif, sometimes multiple on each page. It switches between a graphic looking sun to a sun that looks carved out of stone. Another thing i noticed with the sun is a black and blue checked background, that is not on every page but it does show up a lot and often is either behind the sun or important panels framing it, im not sure what this means as a symbol. Another thing i noticed is that often you see UFO's in the sky, especially the first few pages, im not sure if this is a symbol or what it means. There is also use of Egyptian symbols throughout the book, especially on the cover and some Roman imagery as well. On page 8 there is a spiraling staircase right before we get to the back story of the little girl Promethea and i assume that means something.  But the biggest symbol thats most prominent is the sun imagery.

The elements of the story i was able to connect with was well, i didnt really connect to any of it personally. I feel emotion for the little girl Promethea whose father was killed so i guess i connect to her on an emotion level for .2 seconds. Everything just kind of happens and i dont really connect to it i guess, i mean its interesting, but its not something i connect to. I dont connect to the collage girl or the other women but i think they are interesting characters. Wanting to protect someone who protected you is something to connect to i guess?

Changes i would make to adapt to another medium would be to take out the back story of the collage girl with her friends, i dont know if they weigh any significant in the other volumes of the comic but in this one they just take up time and i dont care about them, I would focus more on the little girl Promethea and what she went through and the different versions shes been through time. I would adapt it into animation, i think comics transfer better into animation then they do live action. I would just focus more on the actual back story of little girl Promethea and then cut out everything thats not important like her friends, it should be her going to get stuff for her paper, being turned away, her being attacker, her being saved, her turning into Promethea and defeating the whatever and helping the old Promethea. Just keeps what necessary to the story, keep the themes, symbols, mood, and colors.

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