Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Week 6 part 2 films

We were asked to watch Two films by Sally Cruikshank, Quasi at the Quackadero and Make Me Psychic. I found it in the library.
Quasi at the Quackadero was interesting, the art style and animation style immediately reminded me of the cartoon Super Jail, and in a way the writing did too. I could follow the plot of the story well and  i overall enjoyed it and actually found it funny at parts; when they looked into mirrors and when they pushed Quasi into the time exhibit.
Make Me Psychic was fun too, though i hate when things end with they were just dreaming and it was never real. I didnt like it as much as the first one but it was still charming. It still reminds me of Super Jail in almost every way. though i think unlike Super Jail i dont think i would have watched these on my own.
I definitely enjoyed these animations more than the comics i read for this section. While the art style was still on par with what i didnt like about the comics im always more forging with the art style of animation because of the movement, i have high standards for things that dont move. If its moving im not constantky looking at the same image its always changing as opposed to a crudely drawn comic panel i have to stare at that doesnt change, its hard to explain.  overall they are both very abstract, i prefer the animation style wise, writing wise, and overall it was just more enjoyable to me.

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