Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Week 6 part 1 comics

For the "Underground Comix" section of the course i choose to read some of Robert Crumbs The book of Mr. Natural and Aline Kominsky Crumb Need more love a graphic memoir. First i read the Mr. Natural. I absolutely hated it, The writing was boring, not funny, misogynistic, and overall just not my taste. I didn't get very far into because i couldn't stomach it but its just not my thing. The character designs are also bland and i dont really like the shading technique or art style in general which also made it a hard read. 
Next i read some of Need More Love, Aline Kominsky Crumb; I hated the art style much more than i did when i read Mr. Natural. It made it really distracting and hard to read just because the overall abstractness. I did like that i got to see some of them in color because i really like to see color in things but the drawings really took away for me. this is a memoir book so its part actual book with some comics thrown in, which kind of threw me off at first because i wasn't expecting that. It was also really hard to read the comics because of the type, its very small and close together and overall sloppy but does give it a hand lettered look which i assume it was just written in like that by hand. I dont think if i would say the writing was "funny" again it was hard for me to read because of the hand lettering but it was more ok for me to read than Mr. Natural. It was just stories about her life, I remember liking the one where someone cooked good spaghetti sauce and that they were watching a gangster movie and see recalls some shady business partners her dad had. 
overall for both of them i definitely wouldn't read either on my own time. one was definitely more likable than the other for me personally, one i couldn't stomach and one was just hard for me to physically look at and read. 
I also skimmed some of the Girl Fights comic from the resource page and  i read some of it but mostly skimmed over the pictures. while i dont necessarily like how the girls are drawn i thought the first part when she stabbed that guy was funny but overall i dont think i would like it at all. it mostly just made me uncomfortable. which is understandable since the first two comics made me uncomfortable too but all in different ways. 

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